Having kids is hard work yo! And I’m not just talking about labor and delivery. That’s the kind of hard work I can put a mental block on and forget it long enough to say “Wheee! Let’s do that again!” when the mood strikes (And it struck at least four times. Truth.)
It’s the hard work that follows that will knock you on your tooshie and then stand over you all threatening like as if to say, “That’s right. I own you.”
With every baby I had, the hard work seemed to get harder. I barely had time to breathe, let alone brush my hair, teeth, and looked civil. One baby was… tolerable. Two babies were difficult. Three babies and I wanted to run and cry (and I did a little bit but that’s a whole other parenting topic to talk about). It wasn’t until baby number four did I decide to just throw everything to the wall and see what stuck. Literally.
Before that though, there just didn’t seem like enough hours in the day for me to take time for myself or get the proper supplements that my body needed to keep going (and chasing babies).
(Did you know babies move at the speed of light when left alone in the kitchen with dog food and a full bowl of dog water? You do the math on that one.)
Help for New Moms
We’re not Super Moms and there is so much information out there that I wish I had discovered more of the natural supplements for new moms available, but I was too sleep deprived and exhausted to read or type.
I did do a bit of research when Bebe was born and sought out supplements that would aid in lactation but I wasn’t looking for anything that would offer me any other benefits like Thermogenic Postnatal, a natural fat burner that is not only safe for new moms (with ingredients like White Kidney Bean and Glucomannan) but also aids in breastfeeding (Fenugreek rocks ya’ll, especially for moms going back to work and trying to establish a freezer stash of breast milk. It was my best friend while I was working and pumping). Looking back, having an extra boost in my weight loss after the birth of each of my children would have been lovely, both my mirror and my pants would have been thankful.
But it wasn’t just trying to lose the extra pounds that seemed like hard work when I was a new mom. It was the feeling of always feeling like sleep would never catch up with me. Remember when I once told you that Shorty never slept? Yeah, that times a Kindergartener and toddler. Fun times indeed. No one likes feeling like they could pass out in their Cheerios at any given moment and truly, moms are the first to tell you that sleeping standing up with your eyes open IS possible because children, work, and housework don’t allow any other option. This is where antioxidants and natural energy supplements from Acai berries might be beneficial for a mom on the verge of another eyes-open-by-tooth-picks kind of day. I know I’ve had those kinds of days. (Which reminds me, we need more toothpicks. Be a dear and pick some up for me, Mkay?)
Babies and children need us at our best (or at least reasonably functioning) and though motherhood is definitely not for the weak, timid, or easily grossed out does that mean we have to endure some of the hardest parts of being a mom by ignoring what our bodies (and minds) need. Visit DeltaLabs on Twitter @ShopDeltaLa to learn more about natural health and wellness products and the types available to you.
*Disclosure: This has been a sponsored post. I am not a doctor and the information given should not be used in replace of medical advice. I have no affiliation with the products featured in this post. Anyone who is considering using supplements should consult a doctor before doing so. *
image: shune
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