Is there any way to know if you are protecting your baby from the billions of germs and bacteria that lie in retail and grocery stores? I have to admit that until today I avoided taking Peanut out. Partly because of a nasty stomach virus that he came down with on the eve of Christmas Eve (which ended up infecting four of our six person household) and partly because I didn’t want to hassle with busy malls, after Christmas shoppers and the germs that lie waiting for us outside. I didn’t need any more germs.
And honestly, who does need more germs and illness entering their home?
Shopping carts have more germs than most public restrooms. Every time you put your child in a shopping cart, you are giving them free reign to slobber, chew and suck on a surface that has been touched repeatedly with filthy germ filled hands. We all know that not everyone washes after using a restroom but wouldn’t it be nice to know that the place your child is sitting and teething on isn’t swimming with bacteria like Ecoli? At this point, there is no public health law in place which states that stores must disinfect the shopping cart handle before the next person uses it. Plus the Baby Deck Stroller has a five point harness system to ensure that your baby is safe while riding in comfort. If you’ve ever placed your child in a shopping cart, you will know that often times the plastic piece that folds down over the seat basket is cracked or broken and the same goes for the seat restraint on the basket as well. I don’t know how many times I’ve been in a store and seen that the shopping carts couldn’t keep my child properly restrained because they were in disrepair.
There may not be a 100 percent assurance to protecting your child because germs are everywhere but for bacteria like Ecoli and Staph infections, including the more resistant one MRSA, using a stroller like the Baby Deck Stroller can offer added protection. I’m not saying you can protect your child from ever getting ill or contracting a virus by using the Baby Deck stroller. No, what I am saying is that an investment in a stroller like this can help prevent the spread of surface germs and bacteria to your baby.
I know that you can’t use your stroller every time you go into a store but for the occasions that you can, consider the health and safety risks of using shopping carts and the new super germs like MRSA that are becoming more resistant to treatments and antibiotics.
Look for Part Two on Staving off germs with the Baby Deck Stroller coming soon! In the meantime, be sure to visit the Baby Deck sister site
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