I know that I haven’t been a faithful blogger. To show myself just how bad of a blogger I have been lately, I decided to prove it to myself. That sounds silly doesn’t it? I could understand showing the kids the error of their ways but why would I want to do it to myself?
I dunno. Sounded like a good idea I suppose.
But I never would have thought that checking my declining stats would actually cheer me up. While they are declining, I am always amazed at where people come from in the blogosphere; Singapore, Malaysia, New Jersey. Fascinating.
Today I was even more amazed at what people google in order to land at chaos in the country. Who would have thought that the words “nikki” “means” “peanut” would land them here? I didn’t believe it… you know where this is going don’t you?
Sure. I googled it too. I had to see it and sure enough, about four entries down, there I was. What I really want to know is, and maybe the person who googled “nikki means peanut” can tell me what was going through their mind when they googled those words?
Well, whatever drives ’em here I guess.
I’m here, if coming from Pennsylvania counts. :))
I’m here, if coming from Pennsylvania counts. :))
Hey..I like your intro(about me)!
Hey..I like your intro(about me)!