Shortly after I made my last post, I lost all pc access. That’s right. I picked up a cranky little spyware and when I tried to rid myself of him, he attacked me down to the core and repartitioned my hard drive. How this happens, I haven’t a clue. But that explains why you have missed me, if in fact, you have missed me.
But here’s what has happened during that time. I had a lovely Mother’s Day complete with continuous yelling, bickering and breakfast made out-of-bed (consisting of cheerios and toast, I had already covered the beverage portion of breakfast) by darling Bebe… sometimes she is so sweet. Since we had no PC, I spent a little time outside (the sun hates me) and had an impromptu yard sale, (meaning it was in the planning but since my weekend was free… There really is no time like the present) and made a little over $50. This week was a nice change of pace, I spent time catching up on things, bought a new vaccum which Peanut is totally scared to death of (lovely, another reason not to vaccum), and did I mention I lost visual on my cellphone? It comes on but I don’t see anything on my display screen, so if I don’t know your number, you won’t be hearing from me soon, cause I can’t see to get into my address book. Yes, that now means, I need a new phone.
Which brings me to the next update, all those potential clients I had queries to send out to… The PC crashed out before I could get to all of them, those that I did get to, I didn’t get the gigs anyway. So there goes the money for the new cellphone. And there is very little money for the other bills I have due… Beginning to worry just a little.
The brght side to all of this, and yes, there has to be a bright side, I refuse to not have one… The Guilty Parent is going through its design changes as planned, and I am going to be sooo excited to have everyone check it out once its complete. I am still all over the fence about contacting anyone about the project that fell through but has been picked back up by someone else. It makes me feel a little cautious now… I am probably going to be too cautious for a bit but I think its necessary.
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